Publications and technical reports

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(Other related papers)

Ph.D. Dissertation

P. Demartines. Analyse de données par réseaux de neurones auto-organisés. PhD thesis, Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble, November 1994. (202 pages, 84 figures, 6 pages of index, 123 references, 3 cartoons by Gary Larson. French only.) Remarque: un concours est ouvert à celui qui trouvera la première faute d'orthographe dans cette thèse... Abstract English+French.

International Journals

P. Demartines and J. Hérault. Curvilinear Component Analysis: A Self-Organizing Neural Network for Non Linear Mapping of Data Sets. Brief Paper in IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks , 8(1):148--154, 1997.

P. Demartines and F. Blayo. Kohonen self-organizing maps: Is the normalization necessary ? Complex Systems, 6(2):105--123, 1992.

R.-D. Hersch, P. Demartines, D.-G. Fridman, P. Pisan, A. Decurnex, and R. Rogner. Multiprocessor raster plotting. IEEE Computer Graphics, 12(4):79--87, July 1992.

International Conferences

P. Demartines and J. Hérault. CCA: ``Curvilinear Component Analysis''. In GRETSI'95, Juan-les-pins, France, September 1995. (Note: VQP has been renamed in ``CCA'', in order to evoke other *CA...)

S. Osowski, J. Hérault, and P. Demartines. Kohonen map applied to fault location in analogue circuits. In Polish National Conference on Circuit Theory and Electronic Circuits, pages 585--590, Karpacz, 1994. To appear also in Bulletin de L'Académie Polonaise, série des Sciences Techniques.

P. Demartines and J. Hérault. Representation of nonlinear data structures through fast VQP neural network. In Neuronîmes, pages 411--424, October 1993. (Note: Contains some details and reflexions about several Vector Quantizers too.)

P. Demartines and J. Hérault. Vector quantization and projection neural network. In A. Prieto J. Mira, J. Cabestany, editor, International Workshop on Artificial Neural Networks, volume 686 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 328--333. Springer-Verlag, 1993. (Note: Though a little obsolete now, it still contains cool illustrations. It contains some mistakes, and the algorithm was slow.)

P. Demartines. Mesures d'organisation du réseau de Kohonen. In M. Cottrell, editor, Congrès Satellite du Congrès Européen de Mathématiques: Aspects Théoriques des Réseaux de Neurones, 1992.

P. Demartines. Organization measures and representations of Kohonen maps. In J. Hérault, editor, First IFIP Working Group 10.6 Workshop, 1992.

F. Blayo and P. Demartines. Data analysis: How to compare Kohonen neural networks to other techniques ? In A. Prieto, editor, International Workshop on Artificial Neural Networks, volume 540 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 469--476. Springer-Verlag, 1991.

Local Journals

F. Blayo and P. Demartines. Simulation de réseaux de neurones. In Bulletin de l'ASE-SEV, Zürich, March 1992.

F. Blayo and P. Demartines. Algorithme de Kohonen: Application à des données économiques. In Bulletin de l'ASE-SEV, Zürich, March 1992.

Local Conferences

P. Demartines and J. Hérault. Apprentissage de structures de données par auto-organisation; interpolation, extrapolation : généralisation. In Journées Neurosciences et Sciences de l'Ingénieur, Chamonix, May 1994. (French only. Note: Very short paper (4 pages), first one to describe the energy function minimized by VQP.)

P. Demartines and F. Blayo. Comparaison de l'algorithme de Kohonen et de l'analyse en composantes principales en analyse de données. In Journées Neurosciences et Sciences de l'Ingénieur, Oléron, May 1992.

Y. Cheneval, P. Demartines, and L. Tettoni. Function approximation using an architecture based on Kohonen self-organizing maps. In Journées Neurosciences et Sciences de l'Ingénieur, Oléron, May 1992.

F. Blayo and P. Demartines. Simulation de réseaux de neurones. In Journées du Troisième Cycle Romand d'Informatiques, Charmey, Switzerland, 1991. Invited presentation.

P. Demartines. Peut-on se passer de normalisation dans l'algorithme de Kohonen ? In Annales du Groupe CARNAC, volume 4, LAMI-EPFL, INF-Ecublens, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland, 1991. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. Invited presentation.

Tutorials and Technical Reports

P. Demartines and J. Hérault. Neural Networks for Data Analysis. Tutorial ``Greco-informatique'', 1994. About 100 pages.

P. Demartines and A. Guérin. Self-organization: Methods and applications. Tutorial number 5 of Neuronîmes, October 1993. About 120 pages.

P. Demartines and L. Tettoni. SOMA: Simulateurs logiciels de modèles neuronaux adaptatifs. User and Reference Manuals. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, LAMI-EPFL, INF-Ecublens, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland, 1991. About 130 pages.

E. Alpaydin, P. Buzzi, F. Blayo, and P. Demartines. Libraries. Deliverables DS2-C1, Esprit Project BRA 3049 ``NERVES''. Technical report, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, LAMI-EPFL, INF-Ecublens, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland, July 1991. About 150 pages.

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